Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rebacking: Cleaning and reinforce the spine

De rug van het boek wordt gereinigd, resten van vorige rugversterking, resten leder en lijmresten worden verwijderd en een nieuwe rugversterking wordt aangebracht. De rug wordt ook verlijmd met konijnenvellenlijm. Foto's van boven naar onder.

The spine of the book is cleaned, remnants of previous spinelinings, leather remnants and adhesive residues are removed and a new spinelining is applied. The spine is also glued with glue of rabbitskin. Photos from top to bottom.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    My name is Richard Norman.

    For 30 years my wife and I ran Eden Workshops, a system of craft workshops at Downside Abbey in Somerset. We were primarily bookbinders but dabbled in marbling and printing.

    In 2004 we closed our workshops and retired to the south west of France, where we have lived for the past 7 years.

    We had a website during the last few years we were running the bindery, and to remain involved in bookbinding, and to keep me mentally active, I have devoted my efforts during the past 7 years to developing our website.

    Eden Workshops is currently number 6 on page 1 of for the search term "bookbinding".

    We have devoted a great deal of energy to our site, and it has a great deal of very high quality content.

    We have an extensive system of link pages, and I am writing to ask you if you if you would be willing to exchange links with us.

    Google will look very kindly on a link to our site, because we enjoy high search engine ranking.

    You can find us at

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards

    Richard Norman

    Eden Workshops
    St Sulpice Lauriere
    Home Tel: 0033 (0) 555 712142
